I have requested several changes and no action has been taken. It is the best pinochle game that I have found in the App Store.

I have been playing this game for almost a year now. For instance bid is 65 your partner says 75 that means he has meld to back you up so take the bid if you got a good hand but not a lot of meld. If your partner bids 10 above what the bid is that’s telling you he has a lot of meld. Round Robin (KQJ) in every suit 32 points (With a Run 43 points) Round House (KQ) in every suit 24 points (With a Run 35 points) Jacks Around (♠️♦️♣️♥️) Jacks in every suit 4 points 2x(Forty Jacks) 40 points Queens Around (♠️♦️♣️♥️) Queens in every suit 6 points 2x(Sixty Queens) 60 points Kings Around (♠️♦️♣️♥️) King in every suit 8 points 2x(Eighty Kings) 80 points Run (A,10,K,Q,J) in Trump suit 15 points (+4 points for every extra marriage)Īces Around (♠️♦️♣️♥️) Ace in every suit 10 points 2x(Thousand aces) 100 points

Marriage (KQ) in Any suit 2 points (4 points if Trump suit) So here’s a cheat sheet for all you beginners Only thing is people could be very toxic on here because they can speak to you via microphone on their phone. This app has a very active table that plays by prison rules unlike other apps that play with 9’s. Play continues until one team goes out.I learned Pinochle in Prison, we don’t play with 9’s.
SCORING: If the high bidder fails to make the bid (his team's total meld plus trick points is less than the bid), the bid amount is subtracted from the team score. Each trick has a winner, who gets 1 point per ace, ten or king. TRICKS: Play begins with the high bidder, and proceeds around the table to the left, 4 cards per trick. Pinochle (queen of spades and jack of diamonds) is 4 points, or 30 points for double pinochle (two of each). A run (or straight) in the trump suit is worth 15 points. MELDING: Players get points by showing various card combinations. High bidder names the trump suit for the hand and optionally exchanges cards with her partner. A typical high bid is 35 points (for 48 cards) or 60 (for 80 cards). Players who pass are out of the bidding for that hand. Player to the dealer's left is required to bid, and bidding proceeds to the left. In this version, one human player (South) plays with a computer partner (North) and two computer opponents (West and East).īIDDING: Each player bids the number of points she thinks she can make with her hand. Players score points by melding various card combinations and by taking tricks. The game consists of a repeating sequence of bidding (for the right to name the trump suit and optionally to pass cards), melding, and trick-taking. Pinochle is a card game played with a 48- or 80-card deck of 9s, 10s, jacks, queens, kings and aces. If you prefer, our other pinochle app with no advertising, Pinochle Gold, has more card backs and tabletops to choose from, and adds support for several languages. To try before you buy, see our free, ad-supported Pinochle app. Pinochle Plus is updated frequently with user-suggested features and AI improvements. Play single- or double-deck with configurable options including meld bids and shoot the moon. This is a no-ads version of the first and most popular pinochle app for iPhone, iPad and Mac.